Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group

Thai-Sho on Deck – Game by Evan D’Alessandro

Offside Report by Nick Luft Thai-Sho’s Leaving Party In no particular order, and in no particular organised way the ad hoc committee met to decide on the organisation of the Q7 Joint Allied Commander’s leaving service. It was decided. Gift A suitable deactivated Exterminator Artefact encased in transparent perspex to be encased by a transparent […]

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What is a good game designer? A CLWG Hive-Mind Response

Bees in a hive

Last week, Jim Wallman posed a question to the CLWG Hive-Mind: What, in your opinion, are the three (or four) top characteristics of a good game designer?What did the Hive-Mind decide? Contributors: Dave Boundy (DB), Rex Brynen (RB), Brian Cameron (BC), Nick Luft (NL), Peter Merritt (PM), John Rutherford (JR), Deborah Southwell (DS) A GOOD […]

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Certeyne Ceducious Persones, 1469: Onside Review by Nick Luft

Game Aim A few years ago – 2019 – I ran a multiplayer game “Shameless, Impudent, and Indebted Lords” at the Holborn Group. It was based on the Robin Redesdale rebellion and Earl of Warwick’s treachery in May 1469.  I reckon that the game engaged and entertained the players at the time. There was a […]

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The Quiet Battlefield: offside review by Nick Luft

Jim presented The Quiet Battlefield, via an online CLWG session. He was inspired to make this game after playing The Quiet Year a game we played at the December CLWG Hybrid session. The Quiet Year is not a wargame, or a boardgame. It is perhaps more of a role-playing game, though the players do not […]

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The Quiet Year: offside review by Nick Luft

The Quiet Year (TQY) was recommended to me after a friend heard about it in a gaming pod cast. He was intrigued by the open ended structure and the non-gamer friendly nature of the game. Although it is a commercial “game” I thought it was sufficiently interesting to be worth examining with the assistance CLWG […]

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Seize Warsaw Offside report by John Bassett

This is Nick Luft’s game of 4 Panzer Division’s attack on Warsaw on 7 September 1939. At VCOW Seize Warsaw occupied the same time slot as my GRAPPLE X, so I was glad to be able to take part in another run of the game that Nick put on for the Holborn group a few […]

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Operation Water Cooler – A structured narrative card game

Game Aim I want to use a card game to assist my teaching Unit 32: Networked Systems Security to a Year 13 class (18 – 20 year olds). Educational aims a) familiarise the students with the 7 step model of a cyber attack b) engage the students with relevant cyber terms, concepts and keywords Teams […]

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Seize Warsaw – Offside thoughts by Mukul Patel

My role in this online game by Nick Luft, was as Chief of Staff to Deborah at 5th Panzer Brigade HQ. Communications. This game worked fine using Discord. The different channels worked fine or maybe fine. It took me a little while to get idea of the game, and it moved very fast, so I […]

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Online Interactive Maps (Part 2) – by Nick Luft

This is a follow on from my previous piece about using an interactive map hosted by ConceptBoard. All the controls referred to here relate to features on ConceptBoard. I guess that these techniques will be easily recreated on other Interactive Whiteboards. Seize Warsaw – at Virtual COW 2021 I ran a slightly modified game of […]

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Online Interactive Maps (Part 1) – by Nick Luft

I have been thinking how to enable the players to have their own interactive map and counters. I was disappointed how I facilitated the players’ map in my recent game “Seize Warsaw“. I had provided the players with a map and counters via a Google Slides (PowerPoint). James Kemp copied this and maintained his version […]

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