Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group

Virtual CLWG: Tip 1 Joining Virtual CLWG by Deborah Southwell

For many of us, participating in a virtual CLWG is a new experience. These general tips are offered as points to assist all of us to participate in the sessions smoothly. Your CLWG time and space at home Try to find a quiet space. Let others you live with know you are in an online […]

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The Quiet Year: offside review by Nick Luft

The Quiet Year (TQY) was recommended to me after a friend heard about it in a gaming pod cast. He was intrigued by the open ended structure and the non-gamer friendly nature of the game. Although it is a commercial “game” I thought it was sufficiently interesting to be worth examining with the assistance CLWG […]

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Game Critique: Urban Nightmare: State of Chaos

by Deborah Southwell As part of a course on game design, I was asked to critique a game. I thought it may be of interest to other Military Muddlers. Urban Nightmare: State of Chaos (Game designer: Jim Wallman) is a megagame exploring how government and city authorities in the USA might respond to an emerging […]

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