Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group

What is a good game designer? A CLWG Hive-Mind Response

Bees in a hive

Last week, Jim Wallman posed a question to the CLWG Hive-Mind: What, in your opinion, are the three (or four) top characteristics of a good game designer?What did the Hive-Mind decide? Contributors: Dave Boundy (DB), Rex Brynen (RB), Brian Cameron (BC), Nick Luft (NL), Peter Merritt (PM), John Rutherford (JR), Deborah Southwell (DS) A GOOD […]

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Little Garden Wars 2014

Little Garden Wars 2014 Central Europe, 1909. There is consternation at developments in the Dukedom of Knish, an important Balkan state controlling  47% of Danube trade. The Duke, Harold, 104 years old, has for many years agreed that on his demise Knish would join the Freedonian Republic as a new Province, and President Firefly has […]

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