Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group

Connections UK 2023

In 2023, Connections UK, the conference for wargaming professionals, was held at Sandhurst Military Academy on 5-7 September. Due to Covid-19 lockdowns and restrictions, this was the first time I was able to attend. Needless to say, I was as excited to see and explore the building as I was to listen and participate in […]

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Trafalgar Day: This Friday 21 October

This Friday marks the 217th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar 21 October 1805. I decided to find out a bit more about the battle. I was fascinated by Nelson’s strategy to attack the Franco-Spanish fleet. I wonder, how would a war game around this engagement or any other naval engagement be designed? What do […]

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Preview: The Wedding Gift

General Briefing for The Wedding Gift The Wedding Gift is a classic committee game for up to seven players. It is set in a fantasy world with approximately 16th/17th century levels of technology (less gunpowder and with a bit of real divinity that manifests itself very subtly). The King of a nearby nation (Dael Riata) […]

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Rails to Freedom

A game inspired by getting home from the Washington Conference, by Andy Grainger Game Idea Provisional title Rails to Freedom from the Jean-Paul Sartre Novel A Two Player Game between A Megagamer and TFL (Transport for London) player. Or it could be played solo with the TFL cards being laid randomly. This game is inspired […]

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Online Interactive Maps (Part 2) – by Nick Luft

This is a follow on from my previous piece about using an interactive map hosted by ConceptBoard. All the controls referred to here relate to features on ConceptBoard. I guess that these techniques will be easily recreated on other Interactive Whiteboards. Seize Warsaw – at Virtual COW 2021 I ran a slightly modified game of […]

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Online Interactive Maps (Part 1) – by Nick Luft

I have been thinking how to enable the players to have their own interactive map and counters. I was disappointed how I facilitated the players’ map in my recent game “Seize Warsaw“. I had provided the players with a map and counters via a Google Slides (PowerPoint). James Kemp copied this and maintained his version […]

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“It’s Death Jim but not as You Know It” – renamed Apocalypse

Onside Report by Andy Grainger We can thank Covid not only for the inspiration behind this idea but also for Dave Boundy and other techno members of CLWG for creating a virtual club meeting. Apart from the traditional St Reatham members this has enabled people like me in Nottingham, Terry in Sweden and Jerry in […]

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Bright Lights, Greek Cities: Gamifying City Management in 2nd Century BCE Asia Minor

What does a Greek(ish) city in 2nd Century BCE Asia Minor want to do with its’ time? That is the million dollar question that came out of my R&D session at May’s CLWG outing. Through presenting a game I’ve been developing  it’s clear the next stage of the design will be the ‘City Management’ portion […]

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Adventures with Twine: Interactive computer games

I ran a session on using Twine to create interactive computer games after my game Hill 70 caused a little bit of a stir. Twine is a very simple to use editor that can be used to make either interactive fiction or interactive graphical adventure games. Twine uses web tools like HTML, & CSS, and a computer programming language […]

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More plastic cheese

I was due to run my fourth game test of “A Little Bit of Bread and No Cheese” (Albobanc) on the first day of the Games Weekend, on 6th October. I had been working on my design ideas on my commute and some moments snatched between marking and lesson prep over the past month. On […]

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