Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group

Milmud Editor’s Report 2022 [admin]

Golden Chestnut

This is the Milmud Editor’s Report 2022 for the CLWG Business Meeting on Saturday evening.

Editor’s Report 2022

I’ve only managed to attend one CLWG session this year, largely because all my time has been spent moving house to the other end of the country.

Articles by members

Ten members wrote an article for milmud that was posted to the website, one less than last year, but still more than a couple of years ago. Between them they wrote 34 articles, up 10% from last year. The contributers, in order of the number of articles they published were:

  1. Deborah Southwell (17)
  2. Jim Wallman (3)
  3. Brian Cameron (3)
  4. Jaap Boender (2)
  5. Nick Luft (2)
  6. Andy Grainger (2)
  7. James Kemp (2)
  8. Dave Boundy
  9. Mukul Patel
  10. Peter Merritt

Taken together this year’s articles generated 26% of our web traffic, although over half of all traffic was to the homepage which shows the latest ten articles, so they’ll all have been read more than the stats suggest.

Milmud slightly less popular than last year

Last year I reported that Milmud had it’s best year on the web, for the third year running. According to the wordpress stats Milmud has had 3,971 hits to the 30th September so we dropped a little compared to last year, but still above 2020.

Our best ever day for hits was still the day that the 2020 report was published, topping the previous best ever in May 2020 by over 50 hits more, to get 157.  (We normally get about 5-20 per day on average, although the last two Octobers have got to almost 30 per day on average). Unsuprisingly we do better on days when articles are written.

Golden Chestnut

A golden chestnut (photo: James Kemp)

Most Read on Milmud

Excluding the home page, Programme and About CLWG pages, the five most read posts on Milmud in 2021-22 were mostly published this year (apart from 3 & 4). They were:

  1. Grumpy Old Fart or Venerated Elder Sage? What legacy are we leaving for wargaming?: An Onside Report – Deborah Southwell  – 99 views
  2. Kämpfen wie Gott in Frankreich – by Jaap Boender – 91 views
  3. France Fights On! (for now)EMU Wars: Onside Review – Jaap Boender – 74 views
  4. Partir, c’est mourir un peu – Jaap Boender – 70 views
  5. Robin Hood (2010) – Jim Wallman – 68 views

Taking into account the views of previous year’s material, then Deborah Southwell was the most viewed (400), followed by Jaap (293), Jim (253) and Nick (215). Brian Cameron wasn’t far behind at 126. Overall articles written by 23 people were looked at.

Golden Chestnut

I’m following my usual policy of awarding the Golden Chestnut based on quantity and quality. This year Deborah Southwell wrote more articles than anyone else, and her articles also generated over 10% of the views this year.

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Posts: 27

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