Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group


First, Chestnut Lodge Wargame Group (CLWG) will have Aims.

These are threefold:

1. Quality: That games can and should be of the highest quality, both from the point of view of historical veracity and playability.

2. Criticism: Game design standards cannot be established or maintained without self-criticism. All members, when they design or research their games should be constantly reviewing their game’s performance against those aims, and the history.

3. Development: Finally we should be constantly trying to improve our existing games and developing better new games.

Second, that the Group will have Conditions of Membership

which will be as follows:

1. Every member will pay on time the agreed membership fee.

2. Every member agrees with the Aims and will do their best to further them.

3. Every member will produce at least One Article per year for the club newsletter.

4. Every member will prepare and if possible run at least one game at a club meeting during the year.

Failure to meet these conditions (especially 2,3 and 4) without a reasonable excuse means that the member will not be eligible for renewal of membership.

Third, that the Group will maintain Club Funds,

for hiring venues and purchasing equipment to be held in common.

Fourth, that the Group will elect five Officers annually,

at a business meeting of at least 50% of the paid up membership.

The officers will be :

1. Administration Officer: Responsible organising and chairing the annual business meeting, for booking venues etc, and acting as group secretary dealing with whatever comes up.

2. Game Organiser: Responsible for collecting offers of games and updating the Forthcoming Games programme for future meetings.

3. Military Muddling Editor: Responsible for collecting and preparing one issue of MM per month, usually in time for the Sunday meeting.

4. Treasurer: Responsible for collecting subscriptions and other donations, and maintaining the group bank account and keeping track of finances, and reporting to the membership at the annual business meeting.

5. Events Organiser: Responsible for organising special events such as the Games Weekend and the Annual Conference and anything else that seems like a good idea at the time.