Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group

Milmud Editor’s Report 2022 [admin]

Golden Chestnut

This is the Milmud Editor’s Report 2022 for the CLWG Business Meeting on Saturday evening. Editor’s Report 2022 I’ve only managed to attend one CLWG session this year, largely because all my time has been spent moving house to the other end of the country. Articles by members Ten members wrote an article for milmud […]

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Milmud Editor’s Report 2021 [Admin]

Golden Chestnut

This is the Milmud Editor’s Report 2021, unfortunately I wasn’t able to prepare it in time for the CLWG Business Meeting. Editor’s Report 2021 Personally I’ve not actually managed to attend more than one CLWG session, and the only report I’ve written is this one, which was late. However on a work front I’ve helped […]

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Milmud Editor’s Report 2020 [Admin]

This is the Milmud Editor’s Report 2020 for the CLWG Business Meeting. I can’t be sure that I’ll be able to attend the meeting, but I’ll be with you in spirit if not. Editor’s Report 2020 Personally I’ve had an interesting year, having planned and run a major exercise for a potential no deal EU […]

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Milmud Editor’s Report 2019 [admin]

Golden Chestnut

This is the Milmud Editor’s Report 2019 for the CLWG Business Meeting. I can’t be sure that I’ll be able to attend the meeting, but I’ll be with you in spirit if not. Editor’s Report 2019 Restructuring Milmud as CLWG’s website As directed at the previous business meeting the website has been collapsed into the […]

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Golden Chestnut 2016 – Did You Win?

Traditionally the editor of Milmud awards the Golden Chestnut to the CLWG member that has contributed the most to Milmud over the course of the year. The Golden Chestnut isn’t about volume so much as quality. That said, now that I can record readers, then I’m using the volume of readership as a measure of […]

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