Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group

A Line Between Disorder & Order

by Jim Wallman Rollbahn “The line between disorder and order lies in logistics…” Sun Tsu Sunday 7 July saw a playtest of a game I’m working on that is for an icebreaker game for the Connections UK conference later this year. This is a fast-play simple logistics-themed wargame It is designed to be pick up […]

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Water Water Everywhere – game design session

I helped run this session as part of the CLWG design conference. Well, mainly I took notes while my co-designer, Terry Martin, asked the questions. An idea for the game “Water Water Everywhere” emerged out of the last design mini-conference by run Stone Paper Scissors. The game is based on the forthcoming rise in sea […]

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Bombing of Darwin Day (19 February)

Today (19 February) officially commemorates a significant event in Australia’s history – the first time since European settlement that Australia came under attack – the largest ever mounted by a foreign power against Australia. Many will know of the 7 December 1941 attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor during World War II. I suspect […]

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The Bastard Comes Design session – the race for the Crown

I ran this at the October Conference, the latest in a very long line of design sessions for my much-delayed megagame of the events following the battle of Hastings in 1066. As many of you will have now done once or more, I cast the players as the heads of the Anglo-Saxon noble families meeting […]

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Artificial Incompetence

Or How To Build An Idiot Commander When Humans Just Won’t Do Like most of the readership here, I’ve spent many decades of gaming building rule systems at the tactical and operational levels which have tried to model unit and sub-commander skills, often referred-to as CE or ‘Combat Efficiency’ in the modern era. In many […]

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“Birds of Prey, Hitler’s Luftwaffe, Ordinary Soldiers and the Holocaust in Poland” ibidem Verlag, Stuttgart 2021.

By Andy Grainger NOTE I know the author of this book and have read both it and his previous book as cited below. The subject matter, the implementation of German racial and occupation policies in the East, is uncomfortable, to put it at its mildest. By concentrating on a small area this book provides real […]

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Fires Were Started

From Jim Wallman For our September 2023 session I monopolised everyone to take part in my operational 1940 game set in the London Blitz.  We were also pleased to have the attendance of famous board game designer Brian Train who travelled all the way from Vancourer, Canada just to play this game! The rules have […]

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Can you game serious subjects today?

Comment by Terry Martin I am talking about recreational gaming, not professional or academic gaming. Nor am I talking about the iniquities of the Netanyahu regime, the horror of the attacks on October 7, or the tragedy that has resulted in Gaza. That’s not a reason to feel depressed, it’s a reason to feel much […]

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Thai-Sho on Deck – Game by Evan D’Alessandro

Offside Report by Nick Luft Thai-Sho’s Leaving Party In no particular order, and in no particular organised way the ad hoc committee met to decide on the organisation of the Q7 Joint Allied Commander’s leaving service. It was decided. Gift A suitable deactivated Exterminator Artefact encased in transparent perspex to be encased by a transparent […]

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What is a good game designer? A CLWG Hive-Mind Response

Bees in a hive

Last week, Jim Wallman posed a question to the CLWG Hive-Mind: What, in your opinion, are the three (or four) top characteristics of a good game designer?What did the Hive-Mind decide? Contributors: Dave Boundy (DB), Rex Brynen (RB), Brian Cameron (BC), Nick Luft (NL), Peter Merritt (PM), John Rutherford (JR), Deborah Southwell (DS) A GOOD […]

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