Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group

Running Brasshats & Brassards on line

Onside report by Jim Wallman A few months ago I ran my First World War command post game at CLWG in hybrid format, with higher commanders on line and more junior commanders in the room, along with a hidden map run by map controls in a different part of the hall. The purpose of this […]

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Online / Remote / hybrid games

(I’m getting my article in quick this year!) Some thoughts about running such games based on not a lot of actual experience in most cases.  I’m not sure I can define a difference between online and remote games as my experience is with games having a physical set up and one or more participants taking […]

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MilMud Editor’s Report 2023-24

As well as being the 50th year of CLWG existing, it is also the tenth year that MilMud has existed in the form of a wordpress blog. As with other aspect of the club there’s been a little less posted or viewed in the last twelve months. Milmud Stats for 2023-24 Only ten members posted […]

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A great weekend – an Offside Report

Thanks to Jim’s generous work with the tech set up, I was able to attend the whole weekend, and enjoyed it immensely. We went from stimulating design discussions from Dave on pre WW2 China and Japan to James’s very amusing thoughts on how you might game Fuller’s crazy and gas dominated visions of warfare in […]

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Lego Tank Duel

Onside report by Jim Meeting 4 October 2024 I recently came across a range of lego-adjacent models called Brickskrieg. These are self-assmbled military miniatures, roughly the same scale as 15mm. As a long time fan of lego this was instantly attractive and I bought three Panzer IVs and three Cromwells ‘just because’. Having got them […]

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Never Mind the Billhooks

Offside report by Jim Meeting 4 October 2024 Andrew brought some of his collection of medieval toy soldier to allow us to try out the commercial set of rules ‘Never Mind The Billhooks’ (NMTB) by Andy Callan. The scenario was simple, a Lancastrian (yay!) army faced off against a Yorkist horde (boo!) and with […]

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Two Brush Strokes – Japanese Team development Session

Offside report by Jim Meeting 5 October 2024 Dave brought a prototype section of his upcoming ‘Two Brush Strokes’ china-themed megagame that related to the two player Japanese team. This issue for him was (If I understood it correctly) that Japanese olicy in China in the ;ate 1920 was to some degree ambivalent. Whilst there […]

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Lit By Another Sun Playtest/Design

Lit By Another Sun is the working title for a megagame that I intend to run in Scotland in 2025. It’s based on an early draft of a novel (titled Duke of Piraxis) and then worked up a bit with some mechanics based on ordinary playing cards. I’ve had one playtest with some of the […]

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CLWG Conference 2024 – 5 & 6 October

We’re fast approaching the traditional CLWG Conference weekend, and there are a small number of sessions on offer. Now would be a great time to sign up if you can make either day. Here’s the link to the dynamic version of the programme on Google Drive Note that many of the sessions will be […]

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September 2024 Meeting – Welcome to Serconea

Today’s meeting at Anerley Methodist Church saw four attendees. Unfortunately only one of the two sessions could go ahead due to a short-notice absence on the part of Jim Wallman. This session was a design session where I presented the basic concept for my in-development megagame of democratic transition, Welcome to Serconea. This game tells […]

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