Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group

Connections UK 2023

In 2023, Connections UK, the conference for wargaming professionals, was held at Sandhurst Military Academy on 5-7 September. Due to Covid-19 lockdowns and restrictions, this was the first time I was able to attend. Needless to say, I was as excited to see and explore the building as I was to listen and participate in […]

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Women in War (Part 2)

World War I Vera Brittain Terry Martin alerted me to the World War I writings of Vera Brittain Terry tells me ‘Her WW1 writings are, I think, quite superb in both her writing and the sense of her own personal growing up as part of the ‘lost generation’. I thought I would also mention the […]

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Women in War (Part 1)

I was recently startled to hear someone say there were no effective women warriors. I thought they would at least have heard of Boudica of the Iceni, the widowed queen who became a rebel warrior leading 100,000 against the Romans in Britain so successfully that they nearly lost control of the province.So I have enjoyed […]

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Birds and Wolves: The Western Approaches Tactical Unit (WATU) wargame

Shipping Wargame Pieces

1942WATU, a newly created wargaming unit of the British Royal Navy, is tasked with developing and disseminating new tactics that would counter the successful attacks of German U-boats on trans-Atlantic merchant shipping convoys seeking to bring essential supplies to Britain. Naval escorts were provided by the British and US navies, but still, they could not […]

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Last People On Earth

onside report by Jim Wallman It has been more than 20 years since I ran a full version of Crisis in Britannia.  Much has changed since then, both in terms of the archeology and literature on the period, and my experience of game design. As part of a programme of megagames we ran for UCL […]

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Salute 50: ‘the biggest and best event they’ve ever had’

Panel of women wargamers

Over 5000 people bought tickets to help celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Salute, a venture still run by the same, small, non-profit club that started it over 50 years ago, the South London Warlords. In 1972, the first Salute was held at the Surrey Tavern at the Kennington Oval Cricket ground. Last Saturday 22 April […]

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The Traditional ANZAC Biscuit Recipe

Created to remember the Fallen ANZACS at Gallipoli (25 April 1915) and baked in Australia and New Zealand for the ANZAC Day public holiday (25 April) … and sampled at the April 2023 CLWG meeting. Traditional Anzac biscuitsMakes 15 biscuits | Prep 20 mins | Cook 12 mins Ingredients1 1/4 cups of plain flour, sifted1 […]

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How to Fund a War and Relieve Its Impact: Bake a Cake!

It will be a great day when our schools have all the money they need, and our air force has to have a bake-sale to buy a bomber. (Robert Fulghum) This quote often comes to the fore when school fetes are organised. But did you know that selling biscuits, cakes, and cookery books has been, […]

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ANZAC Day: 25 April

An overview of ANZAC Day provided for the April 2023 CLWG meeting. The ANZACs ‘ANZAC’ stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. During World War I, on 25th April 1915, ANZAC soldiers formed part of the allied expedition that set out to capture the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey. The aim was to open the […]

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Certeyne Ceducious Persones, 1469: Onside Review by Nick Luft

Game Aim A few years ago – 2019 – I ran a multiplayer game “Shameless, Impudent, and Indebted Lords” at the Holborn Group. It was based on the Robin Redesdale rebellion and Earl of Warwick’s treachery in May 1469.  I reckon that the game engaged and entertained the players at the time. There was a […]

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