Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group

EMU Wars: Onside Review – Deborah Southwell

Emu Wars is a landscape (map) -based game derived from real life events. In 1932, over 20,000 emus, large flightless birds indigenous to Australia, broke through the rabbit-proof fence on their annual migration to the coast. The emus saw the recently established croplands as a ‘tucker basket’, and the farmers saw the emus as dangerous […]

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Terror at Torzhok, 11 October 1941

A pre game report The German Army has ripped a huge hole on the road to Moscow. What is next, they decide to rip out another hole on the northern flank of the Moscow road. My inspiration was the very good book “The Defence of Moscow 1941: The northern Flank.” I presented a classic big […]

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After the Battle of Towton, 1461

Game Overview I wanted to run a committee game about the decisions taken by the Yorkist faction after they had won the Battle of Towton, 1461. This battle is regarded as one of the most decisive victories – and a bit of a surprise – of the Wars of the Roses. It is also regarded […]

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Nine Years War Strategic Onside

Onside report of a game design session at CLWG in September 2019 on strategic Finance for the Nine Years War.

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Shameless, Impudent and Indebted Lords – 1450

My aim for this game is to produce a club game for between 10 and 15 players, based on the political, economic and eventual military conflict in mid 15th Century England. I am due to run this game for the Holborn Gaming group in June. I attend this gaming group fairly regularly. They are not […]

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2019 CLWG Games Weekend – Brian Cameron [onside & offside]

2019 CLWG Games Weekend Offside reports (and an onside report) from Brian Cameron about the 2019 CLWG Games Weekend. Peking Duck [onside] This was a re-run of my game on the Siege of the Peking Legations during the Boxer uprising in 1900.  You may well have seen the old film, 55 Days at Peking.  In […]

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Megagame Design Debate – a new way of designing megagames

Onside Report on the Megagame Design session at CLWG on Sunday 6 August 2017 – By Tom Parry First, we would like to thank CLWG for inviting us to discuss megagame design. We had a very enlightening discussion, and we now have a much firmer grasp on the philosophy behind most megagame design. There is […]

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Adlerangriff – Manual Real Time Game – onside by Jim Wallman

Adlerangriff was a design session for a manual real time Battle of Britain game run by Jim Wallman at the CLWG Conference in October 2016. Adlerangriff being the German name for the operation that we call the Battle of Britain. Onside Report of Adlerangriff by Jim Wallman Following one of ‘those conversations’ with Rob Cooper a […]

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Revolutionary Warfare – Onside by James Kemp

Revolutionary Warfare in France 1789

Another post from the Archives, this is James Kemp’s onside report of Revolutionary Warfare from January 2003. It was written for milmud and archived on his website at Revolutionary Warfare – Onside Report by James Kemp When I played Andy Grainger’s A Month in Country I immediately thought of some of the parallels with my Revolutionary […]

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Viperous Worm: Gaming popular opinion, 1450

Onside report by Nick Luft, from June 2016 Session I wanted to design a game that reflected how popular opinion was formed. The rival players would promote their cause and the neutral players would provide a commentary and analysis that would create the game’s popular opinion. The neutral players would have their own agendas and would be able […]

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