Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group

Under The Influence…

How To Connect NPC ‘Public Reaction’ To Legitimate Player Choices I noticed that there was a session at the conference concerning ‘influence’ in a game environment? Whilst this is a – potentially – giant subject, I thought I would mention an ‘extension’ to my Balkan Wars non-megagame family of systems which has a direct bearing […]

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CLWG Session for the Annual Design Conference 2020 Onside report by Jim Wallman For this session I offered the following question as a starting point “Obviously shooting at someone is a direct means of influencing their behaviour, but in the modern world much is made of ‘influence’ as a means of changing your adversary’s mind […]

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I thought I’d jot down these notes as they’re probably too long to describe in the session at the games weekend. I think a starting point for this is how it occurs in reality.  I’ve largely looked at a modern context as it’s the most diverse. I think the theme emerges that it’s basically about […]

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Viperous Worm: Gaming popular opinion, 1450

Onside report by Nick Luft, from June 2016 Session I wanted to design a game that reflected how popular opinion was formed. The rival players would promote their cause and the neutral players would provide a commentary and analysis that would create the game’s popular opinion. The neutral players would have their own agendas and would be able […]

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