Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group

Conference (2018) Onside Report #2 – Balkan Wars OpSys

Rehearsal For Armageddon – The Balkan Wars Further attempts at a megagame operational system (by Peter Merritt) The intention of this session was to present the latest in my series of attempts to get a fast-to-play, easily understood system which would form the ‘third leg’ of my design for a – possible – megagame of […]

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Rehearsal For Armageddon [preview]

In case anyone was actually planning to come to my session of a try-out Balkan Wars operational system, I have produced some notes which you might like to read beforehand (attached). They are also useful when shredded as Hamster-bedding… I can’t promise that I won’t change my mind and ‘tweak’ things a bit more before […]

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