Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group

Movies: Contemporary Period: Cold War 1947-1991

  Strategic Air Command (1955) (Mukel Patel) An ex-pilot and current baseballer is recalled into the U.S. Air Force and assumes an increasingly important role in Cold War deterrence.   Fail Safe (1964) (Peter Merritt) A technical malfunction sends American planes to Moscow to deliver a nuclear attack. Can all-out war be averted? […]

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Strategic Nuclear Planning Game [From the Archives]

Strategic Nuclear Planning by Rob Cooper is one of CLWG’s legendary games. Run shortly after the end of the Cold War, here is Jim Wallman’s offside report of playing in Strategic Nuclear Planning. This was originally published in milmud sometime in the early 1990s, the exact date lost to time. Strategic Nuclear Planning – offside […]

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Not Over by Christmas – offside from Bernie

Not Over by Christmas ran at the September 2015 CLWG session. Rob Cooper tested the air war sub-game for his forthcoming megagame. The offside report below was written by Bernie Ganley. Not Over by Christmas – air war subgame from Rob Cooper Going toe to toe with the Rooskies! The air war between NATO and […]

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