Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group

Thai-Sho on Deck – Game by Evan D’Alessandro

Offside Report by Nick Luft

Thai-Sho’s Leaving Party

In no particular order, and in no particular organised way the ad hoc committee met to decide on the organisation of the Q7 Joint Allied Commander’s leaving service. It was decided.


A suitable deactivated Exterminator Artefact encased in transparent perspex to be encased by a transparent aluminium case.  Inscription: “Presented to Admiral Thai-Sho in gratitude and recognition of their distinguished service in Quadrant 7”


JAC HQ Main Conference Room, with suitable Flag Protocol for present and non-present polity fleets.

Songs / Music

Food & Drink

  • Mars Bars – deep fried or raw
  • MarsMellows – Toasted or raw
  • Red Rum (colour dyed, Martian naval issue rum)


  • Martian Marines honour guard
  • A decorated veteran from each polity’s Space Marines forming a flag carrying vanguard


Never in the field of human interstellar conflict has so much been owed. It’s been good to have known you; gnarf, gnarf. Her commitment to living in a free and prospering world led to an extraordinary career to contributing to interstellar peace and unity. Per aspera ad astra. Her wisdom was a guiding light throughout these troubled times, at least you’re not a plutonium. She was known for blowing the snot out of exterminators with a little help from her transhuman friends. We thank you for your distinguished service on behalf of all humanity. The New Republic feels that her leaving leaves a big pair of shoes for her antecedent to fill. She will leave a big space ripple to fill.

Per aspera ad emu!


Minutes taken by 

  Admiral Kingsley Sparkie
  The New Republic

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Posts: 32
  1. Richard Hands

    Schoolboy error, but Thai Sho is the Martian designation for Admiral. So Admiral Thai Sho is Admiral Admiral. A bit like Sultan Malik Shah means King King King. The Admiral’s proper name is Grace Molloy.

  2. Who is this Even D’Ales Sandal? Has he paid his subs? We should be told!

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